We are heading out to Akumal again, this time with our 17 year old son Matthew. We'll be there from August 14th til the 21st. At this point we are starting the packing and organizing and in general pacing back and forth til the days pass and it's time to leave. It's hurricane season, so, we are watching the weather websites and hoping everything stays calm.
August 13 2012
We're nearly packed, suitcases are scattered around our bedroom, clothes all over the bed, looks like a bomb went off, but, in a few hours it will all be neatly tucked away and stowed by the front door ready to load in the car. We leave home tomorrow at the butt crack of dawn, 04:00 hours. Our Frontier airlines flight arrives in Cancun at 3:30 pm and USA transfers will be waiting to take us home to paradise.
August 14 2012
Left home promptly at 4am for our 730 flight on Frontier airlines, connecting in Denver. Since we had two free checked bags each we decided to bring whatever we wanted, and decide after returning home what we could have lived without. Yep, that's a whole lot of luggage. The other airlines had their check in desks open, but, not Frontier. We stood around waiting while every other airline checked their passengers in and had them on their way.
Finally it was time for us to board, and getting Classic seats afforded us priority boarding, which meant plenty of room in the overhead bins. The Frontier filght wasn't as nice this time as it had been last trip. They didn't even have the hot chocolate chip cookies anymore. That was a really nice touch for an economy airline. Made them feel just a bit more customer friendly. The plane itself was getting run down, two of the three tv monitors in our row of seats had stickers over them saying they didn't work. It just didn't feel as clean either. On the website it advertises in flight food for purchase, but, as soon as the door closed the flight attendants on all four legs of our trip going to and coming from Cancun announced that they only had limited quantities of sandwiches and salads and that you had to use debit or credit, no cash purchases. The customer service feel was going down.
Our connection to Denver allowed us a two hour layover, so we had lunch in the Bistro. Pricey but very good food. Again we boarded first and again we had at least one monitor that was broken. Still limited quantities of food for purchase and not a pretzel or cracker unless you paid credit. The flight itself was smooth and our arrival in Cancun on time. As soon as the moist tropical air hit us it felt so good. Knowing the Mexico customs lines, we hustled down to get through immigration and get a good spot by the luggage carousels.
Customs and Immigration was about half what I expected, a fairly good crowd, but, nothing crazy. A British Airways flight came in just as we did. As we were standing in line for immigration with a Brit family group in front of us. The immigration worker changed the direction of the line, seemed like we were going to be funneled to a different line to speed things along, But then he shut it down in a different spot and that put the Brit family behind us. They seemed surprised when we told them to go ahead of us. After all, they were there first, it was only fair.
Pretty much sailed through it all within an hour. Then out to the throng of time share sharks waiting for unsuspecting passengers.The sharks were pretty bad this time. Never been stepped in front of before, but, I had no trouble letting him know I wasn't biting. Pushed past them and did not give an single one a chance to slow us down. They even tried to say we "had to stop" we "had to talk to them". What a crock! Please people, do not stop, do not listen to them.
Apparently the rule about luggage carts outside has changed, and we were permitted to take them both out to where our USA Transfers rep was waiting. We were loaded and on our way to Akumal Beach Resort in short order.
The drive seemed shorter but was probably an hour and twenty minutes. I guess having gone that route so many times makes it seem to go by quicker. Not a lot has changed, and the sign for the ABR was such a welcome sight.
Our luggage was quickly unloaded and we made our way up the stairs to the main lobby.
There was a table set up with cold juice drinks for arriving guests, a very nice touch. As you can see it's an outdoor lobby, with a view of the pool and the main bar.
Checked in with Antonia, after a big hug first. We thought she might not remember us, but, as she was checking in another group she glanced up, saw us in line, and literally squealed out loud, jumped up on the counter reaching for us to give us a big hug. We just love her. After checking in, and getting the scoop on everyone at the resort, we went up to our rooms in building 5 third floor, room numbers 539 and 540. The rooms have a great view of the Caribbean and overlook the swimming pool. Matthew had a gecko waiting for him in his shower, which he decided to name Philip.
We barely set down our luggage, changed into our swim suits and dashed right back out the door. As soon as our feet were in the soft cool sand , ahhhhhhh, and the water was bathwater warm. We are finally home again. We spent a couple of hours just floating and bobbing around in the water. It was a good thing we brought beach towels from home, as the towel exchange desk was closed before we could get any. As soon as I snapped this pic of Tim taking his first steps into the water, I set the camera in the palapa and took Matthew in for his first experience with the Caribbean. I showed him how to do the stingray shuffle, and we waded out to where it was waist deep. He loved it.
The grackles were still calling out for Ricky. It was all so familiar and comfortable, as if we had never left. It's funny, we say that every time we go back, and yet it's always true.
After heading back to the room to change into something dry to wear to dinner, we strolled down past Wilbert at the main bar, busily making drinks and chatting. The buffet was great, well stocked, at least 5 different veggie dishes, and a salad bar. The soup was cream of mushroom, and so good.
Dinner at the buffet was really good, the Mexican night worked really well for us, needed me some Mexican food. Saw the eagle ray playing by the buffet. I failed to get mosquito repellant on before leaving the room, so, it didn't take long for the mossies to find me and tag me about nine times.
By the time we finished eating it was nearly 9 oclock, and even though we wanted to stay up for the entertainment, we were all just too exhausted from the trip, so, early to bed, and in spite of the live band playing, we fell quickly asleep. It was a great first day.